TSC Farmall F20 |
Loading up the tractor to take back to Spiegelberg Restoration to be restored. |
The tractor before restoration. Notice the front and rear wheels and rims are cut-offs.They will be changed during the process of the restoration. |
Getting the tractor stripped down for cleaning. The stripping process usedon this tractor is call "Burn and Pickle" The parts will be baked at 800 degrees, then the metal is treated to 3 different acid dips. Spiegelberg Restoration wanted to get all oil and grease removed from this tractor, so it wouldn't leak on the floor at Tractor Supply Company. |
More of the strip down during the restoration process. | |
The rims after stripping. There were a total of 6 baskets of parts,like the ones in the background. | |
Parts are hung up and waiting for primer and paint. | |
More parts waiting to be primes and painted. | |
More parts waiting to be primes and painted. | |
Parts with paint applied. | |
More parts painted. | |
The tractor is coming together. | |
This tractor had an aftermarket Behlan Road Gear unit installed.Spiegelberg Restoration cleaned the unit and applied the red paint for the lettering. Then clearcoated it. The clearcoat is to prevent the aluminum from oxidizing. | |
The tractor is just about complete. | |
A plaque to honor Majic Paint Company. They gave the restored antique tractor toTractor Supply Company. | |
Almost ready for shipping. | |
The completed antique Farmall F20, being touched-up. | |
The tractor, waiting to be picked up to be trucked to Tractor Supply. | |
The tractor, waiting to be picked up to be trucked to Tractor Supply. | |
The tractor is being unloaded at Tractor Supply Company world headquarters. | |
The antique Farmall F20 is being positioned in the lobby of TSC. | |
The completed tractor is now sitting on display at Tractor
Supply Company.
is in their main
lobby. Many
thanks to Majic Paint and Tractor Supply Company for
Spiegelberg Restoration
andService, LTD
to have the privilege of restoring this
tractor for them. | |
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